A community-kept guide to Juno New Origins XML Modding

Project maintained by WNP78 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



|Name|Type|Description| |–|–|–| |bayLength|float|Changes the length of the landing gear bay| |bayWidth|float|Changes the width of the landing gear bay| |brakeTorque|float|Changes the torque applied to the wheel when brake is applied.| |damperScale|float|Higher damper settings can help to reduce oscillation. Lower damper settings allow more oscillation.| |extended|Nullable1|| |extensionPercent|float|| |flipped|bool|Mirrors the offsets of the landing gear| |forwardOffset|float|Changes the forward offset of the wheel's position| |gearRatio|float|Higher values result in more torque for the wheel, but lower RPM. Lower values result in less torque, but higher max RPM.| |heightOffset|float|Changes the height offset of the wheel's position| |lengthScale|float|Changes the length of the wheel's support rod (does not affect suspension travel).| |maxTurningAngle|float|Changes max the turning angle of the wheel.| |retractionSpeed|float|Allows speeding up/slowing down of the wheel's retraction.| |showUpperBraces|bool|Determines whether the upper braces inside the bay should be hidden.| |sideOffset|float|Changes the side offset of the wheel's position| |size|float|Changes the overall size of the landing gear.| |slantAngle|float|Changes the angle that the lower support attatches to the wheel.| |soundVolume|float|Changes the volume of the sound made by the motor built into the wheel.| |springForceScale|float|Changes the strength of the spring force in the suspension.| |startExtended|bool|Determines whether the gear should start out extended, or retracted.| |supportArmEnabled|bool|Enables/disables the support arm for the landing gear.| |suspensionTravel|float|Changes the length (meters) of available suspension travel.| |torque|float|Changes the power of the wheel, which impacts electricity usage. The value shown is already scaled by the Gear Ratio.| |tractionForward|float|Changes the forward grip of the wheel.| |tractionSideways|float|Changes the sideways grip of the wheel.| |verticalAngleOffset|float`|Changes the vertical angle of the wheel.|