A community-kept guide to Juno New Origins XML Modding
An InputController
takes an input value, chosen by it’s input
property, then applies a set of transformations to it, mapping it to the final range of min
to max
, optionally inverting it. Other modifiers then use the InputController
’s output value as their input.
Name | Type | Description |
activationGroup |
int |
The activation group assigned to the inputcontroller. When this is disabled, the inputcontroller will not update it’s input. |
currentValue |
float |
This is used in-game, when saving the game’s state. |
designerInputOptions |
string |
This is the comma separated list of available inputs in the part properties panel. This is overriden by the “Show Hidden Properties” checkbox in the Tinker panel. |
ignorePartActivationState |
bool |
If set to true, then the input controller will function even when the part is not activated. This is required for auto-activating parts. |
input |
string |
The input axis to use. More details below. |
inputAxisRange |
string |
One, two or three numbers, comma separated. They define the range of the input values that are expected when mapping to output values. Can either be max , min,max or min,zero,max . |
inputAxisRangeDesigner |
string |
The designer field for the inputAxisRange property. |
invert |
bool |
Invert the value? |
invertOnMirror |
bool |
Invert when the part is mirrored? |
invertType |
string |
If Output , then the value will be inverted after mapping. If Axis , it will be before mapping. |
max |
float |
The maximum output value |
min |
float |
The minimum output value |
outputCurveAmplitude |
float |
The amplitude of the output curve. |
outputCurveFrequency |
float |
The frequency of the output curve. |
outputCurveKeyframes |
string |
Keyframes should be separated by the ‘|’ character, with each keyframe having values separated by the ‘,’ character. A keyframe should define a time value and an output value. Optionally, the keyframe may specify a third value the definesthe incoming and outgoing tangents, or a third and fourth value that define the incoming and outgoing tangents respectively. Example: 0.0,0.0|0.5,1.0|1.0,0.0 |
outputCurveLabel |
string |
outputCurveOffset |
float |
The offset value used when evaluating the output curve. |
outputCurveStyle |
CurveStyle |
The style of the output curve. |
outputCurveWrapMode |
CurveWrapMode |
Determines how the curve is evaluated when the axis value extends beyond the extents of the curve. |
overrideInput |
string |
If assigned, this will override the input field. |
showActivationGroup |
bool |
Controls if the activation group spinner is shown in the designer. |
showInputAxis |
bool |
Controls if the input axis spinner is shown in the desinger. |
showInvert |
bool |
Controls if the invert checkbox is shown in the deisgner. |
type |
string |
This is the method used to map the input to the output range. See the InputControllerType table. |
zeroOnDeactivate |
bool |
If false, the value will remain frozen when deactivated. If true it will go to zero. |
inputId |
string |
Define what input the InputController is trying to override. See the inputId table. |
InputControllerType | Description (from in-game tooltip) |
Standard |
A positive axis will be multiplied by the max value. A negative axis will be multiplied by the min value. |
LerpFullAxis |
The output value will be linearly interpolated between the min and max values assuming an input axis of -1 to 1. |
LerpPositiveAxis |
The output value will be linearly interpolated between the min and max values assuming an input axis of 0 to 1. |
LerpNegativeAxis |
The output value will be linearly interpolated between the min and max values assuming an input axis of -1 to 0. |
There are many things you can put in the input
field. It’s rather quite exciting. For a start, you can access anything in this list. Note that you can also use FD
as a shorthand for FlightData
and OD
as a shorthand for OrbitData
Controls |
Brake |
EvaAnalogJump |
EvaMoveFwdAft |
EvaMoveUpDown |
EvaPitch |
EvaRoll |
EvaShootTether |
EvaStrafe |
EvaTetherLength |
EvaTetherLengthOffset |
EvaTurn |
EvaWalk |
OffsetBrake |
OffsetPitch |
OffsetRoll |
OffsetSlider1 |
OffsetSlider2 |
OffsetSlider3 |
OffsetSlider4 |
OffsetTranslateForward |
OffsetTranslateRight |
OffsetTranslateUp |
OffsetYaw |
Pitch |
PitchInputReceived |
Roll |
RollInputReceived |
Slider1 |
Slider2 |
Slider3 |
Slider4 |
Throttle |
TranslateForward |
TranslateRight |
TranslateUp |
TranslationModeEnabled |
Yaw |
YawInputReceived |
Flight Data | Type |
FlightData.Acceleration |
vector |
FlightData.AccelerationMagnitude |
double |
FlightData.AltitudeAboveGroundLevel |
double |
FlightData.AltitudeAboveSeaLevel |
double |
FlightData.AltitudeAboveTerrain |
double |
FlightData.AngleOfAttack |
double |
FlightData.AngularVelocity |
vector |
FlightData.AngularVelocityMagnitude |
double |
FlightData.BankAngle |
double |
FlightData.CraftForward |
vector |
FlightData.CraftRight |
vector |
FlightData.CraftUp |
vector |
FlightData.CurrentEngineThrust |
float |
FlightData.CurrentEngineThrustUnscaled |
float |
FlightData.CurrentMass |
float |
FlightData.CurrentMassUnscaled |
float |
FlightData.CurrentReactionControlNozzleThrust |
float |
FlightData.DeltaVStage |
double |
FlightData.DragAccelerationMagnitude |
float |
FlightData.East |
vector |
FlightData.FuelMass |
float |
FlightData.Gravity |
vector |
FlightData.GravityMagnitude |
float |
FlightData.Grounded |
bool |
FlightData.Heading |
double |
FlightData.InWater |
bool |
FlightData.LateralSurfaceVelocity |
double |
FlightData.MachNumber |
float |
FlightData.MaxActiveEngineThrust |
float |
FlightData.MaxActiveEngineThrustUnscaled |
float |
FlightData.North |
vector |
FlightData.ParentPlanetOcclusion |
float |
FlightData.Pitch |
double |
FlightData.Position |
vector |
FlightData.PositionNormalized |
vector |
FlightData.RemainingBattery |
float |
FlightData.RemainingFuelInStage |
float |
FlightData.RemainingMonopropellant |
float |
FlightData.SideSlip |
double |
FlightData.SolarRadiationDirection |
vector |
FlightData.SolarRadiationIntensity |
double |
FlightData.SupportsWarpBurn |
bool |
FlightData.SurfaceVelocity |
vector |
FlightData.SurfaceVelocityMagnitude |
double |
FlightData.TimeDelta |
double |
FlightData.TimeMultiplier |
double |
FlightData.TimeReal |
double |
FlightData.Velocity |
vector |
FlightData.VelocityMagnitude |
double |
FlightData.VerticalSurfaceVelocity |
double |
FlightData.WeightedThrottleResponse |
float |
FlightData.WeightedThrottleResponseTime |
float |
Orbit Data | Type |
OrbitData.ApoapsisAltitude |
double |
OrbitData.ApoapsisTime |
double |
OrbitData.BurnNodeDeltaV |
vector |
OrbitData.Eccentricity |
double |
OrbitData.Inclination |
double |
OrbitData.PeriapsisAltitude |
double |
OrbitData.PeriapsisTime |
double |
OrbitData.Period |
double |
OrbitData.MeanAnomaly |
double |
OrbitData.MeanMotion |
double |
OrbitData.PeriapsisArgument |
double |
OrbitData.RightAscension |
double |
OrbitData.TrueAnomaly |
double |
OrbitData.SemiMajorAxis |
double |
OrbitData.SemiMinorAxis |
double |
You can also access activation group states with AG1
to AG10
. If you want to, you can just put a constant value in there. Like 0.5
, -1
, or even .3
. This will just remain constant. Additionally you can reference pi
, e
, true
or false
to get their respective values.
When working with Funk in Vizzy you can reference variables from the program just by typing their name, having to add v:
if they are a vector, and although Funk doesn’t have any string operators, if you want it to output strings you have to enclose them with “”.
And you can even use some operators and functions:
Operators and Functions | |
Mathematical Operators | + , - , * , / (standard mathematical operations). |
% |
Modulus - this will return a negative value if the first operand is negative - if you want the result to be always positive then use repeat (see below). |
Comparison | < , > , <= , >= , = , != |
Boolean |
& , | , ! , Ternary operator: (condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false) |
abs(x) |
The absolute (positive) value of x. |
ceil(x) |
x rounded up to an integer. |
clamp(x, min, max) |
x clamped between min and max. |
clamp01(x) |
Equivalent to clamp(x, 0, 1). |
deltaangle(a, b) |
The shortest angle delta between angles a and b in degrees. |
exp(x) |
Returns e raised to the power of x. |
floor(x) |
x rounded down to an integer. |
inverselerp(a, b, x) |
Calculates the linear parameter t that produces the interpolant value within the range [a, b]. |
lerp(a, b, t) |
Linearly interpolates between a and b, by a proportion of t. |
lerpangle(a, b, t) |
Similar to lerp, but interpolates correctly when values pass 360 degrees. |
lerpunclamped(a, b, t) |
Similar to lerp, but doesn’t clamp the value between a and b. |
log(x, p) |
The logarithm of x in base p. |
log10(x) |
Equivalent to log(x, 10). |
pingpong(x, l) |
“Ping-pongs” the value x so it is never larger than l and never less than 0. |
max(a, b) |
The largest value between a and b. |
min(a, b) |
The smallest value between a and b. |
pow(x, p) |
x raised to the power of p. |
repeat(x, l) |
Loops the value x so it is never larger than l and never less than 0. Effectively equivalent to a modulus function, always returns a positive result. |
round(x) |
Rounds x to the nearest integer. |
sign(x) |
The sign of x (1 if x positive, -1 if x negative) |
smoothstep(a, b, t) |
Similar to lerp, but with smoothing at the ends. |
sqrt(x) |
The square root of x. |
sin(x) |
The sine of x (radians) |
cos(x) |
The cosine of x (radians) |
tan(x) |
The tangent of x (radians) |
asin(x) |
The arc-sine of x (radians) |
acos(x) |
The arc-cosine of x (radians) |
atan(x) |
The arc-tangent of x (radians) |
Vector Operators and Functions | |
angle(Vector from, Vector to) |
The difference in angle between two vectors (radians) |
clampMagnitude(Vector vector, Number maxLength) |
A vector pointing in the same direction but with the indicated magnitude |
cross(Vector lhs, Vector rhs) |
The cross product of two vectors |
distance(Vector a, Vector b) |
The distance between the positions pointed at by two vectors |
dot(Vector lhs, Vector rhs) |
The dot product of two vectors |
exclude(Vector excludeThis, Vector fromThat) |
A vector with the components in the direction of fromThat removed, similar to projectOnPlane |
isNaN(Vector v) |
Checks if a vector is NaN |
lerp3(Vector from, Vector to, Number t) |
A linear interpolation between two vectors by the amount t |
magnitude(Vector vector) |
The length of a vector |
max3(Vector a, Vector b) |
A vector formed by the max components between the input vectors |
min3(Vector a, Vector b) |
A vector formed by the min components between the input vectors |
moveTowards(Vector current, Vector target, Number maxDistanceDelta) |
A vector interpolation limited by a maximum distance delta |
normalize(Vector vector) |
A vector with the same direction but with a magnitude of 1 |
project(Vector vector, Vector onNormal) |
A vector in the direction of onNormal with the length of the projection of the vector onto it |
projectOnPlane(Vector vector, Vector planeNormal) |
The projection of a vector onto a plane defined by its normal, similar to exclude |
reflect(Vector inDirection, Vector inNormal) |
A mirrored vector of inDirection relative to inNormal |
scale(Vector a, Vector b) |
The component-wise multiplication of a and b |
signedAngle(Vector from, Vector to, Vector axis) |
The signed angle in radians between two vectors rotated around an axis |
slerp(Vector from, Vector to, Number t) |
A smooth interpolation between two vectors by the amount t |
sqrMagnitude(Vector vector) |
The square root of the length of the vector |
vec(x,y,z) |
Constructs a vector from three scalars |
x(Vector) |
The X component of the vector |
y(Vector) |
The Y component of the vector |
z(Vector) |
The Z component of the vector |
How awesome! Then it gets even more complex. You can get parameters from different parts in the crafts using the following format (note that the elements surrounded by {} are optional):
- May be omitted to select the current part
- May be '*' for legacy style of searching entire craft for a modifier id (specified by modifier selector)
- May be '$' followed by an integer to reference a part by its part id
- Matches part based on exact part name. Names can't start by a number or include spaces
- In order to support spaces brackets must be added encasing the entire string, from '[PartSelector' to 'PropertySelector]'
- If the part belongs to a group, the connected group parts will be evaluated first
- Required
- First tries to match a modifier based on the modifier's 'id' property.
- If no match is found, it tries to match based on the modifier's type id (InputController, Piston, Gyroscope, etc)
- If specified, it will match the part modifier data object
- If omitted, it will match the part modifier's script
- Required
- Matches the name of a public float/double/bool/Vector3d property on the target object.
An example of the usefulness of this technique is the retrieval of Variables from Vizzy programs by using FlightProgram
(or VZ
for short) for the Modifier Selector, followed by the name of the variable. If the variable is a vector the prefix v:
will be required. If it is a list, Funk includes a couple retrievers that work only within Vizzy: listNum
, listVec
, listBool
and listStr
take as parameters a string with the name of the list and the index of the value to be retrieved, and listLen
, which takes as a parameter just the name of the list and returns its length.
All parts have very useful properties you can access, they are all listed in this page.